If you don’t make a sale, with our simple Marketing Strategy. You Do NOT Pay website hosting, store and stock management fees until you do. Conditions apply see T&Cs
*Bonus Holiday for 2 People
Holidays are at Hotels and Resorts in locations like Fiji, Bali, Singapore, Australia and NZ, Europe, USA and Canada.
You will need to pay the Room Taxes and Fees which are about $30 to $40 per night, more details at – https://findnetsolutions.com/free-holiday
**VIP Customer Definition
VIP Customers are clients who allow Find Net Solutions to manage their Domain Name, Website Hosting and have a valid credit card kept on file to pay any overdue invoices.
VIP Customers receive discounts on most invoices as Find Net Solutions is more efficient while managing their online presence. As Find Net Solutions won’t need to rely on any third party to carry out the service.